Friday 30 October 2015

Pumpkin Bacon Quiche

BBC broadcasts that Halloween is the third festival in the UK. Every shops sell lots of things related to Halloween, from costume to food. Everything!!

For me, I’m too old to knock my neighbor’s door asking for some sweets. But, I still purchased some chocolate. Maybe, some kids will come and knock my door?! Maybe?!

Temperature Oven Setting: 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6
Baking Time: Around 20~25 minutes
Recipe: A 9” round baking dish


Steps of Pumpkin Bacon Quiche

(1) Prepare a fried pan. Add some oil in and switch medium heat on. Add sliced pumpkin in. Flavor pumpkin with a little salt. Fry around 5 minutes until it turns soft. Then, place over the top of pastry

(2) Use same pan to fry chopped bacon until it is cooked.

(3) Prepare creamy sauce: Place egg, Crème Fraîche, milk, dry basil, and salt in a bowl. Whisk all ingredients all. Then, pour into the quiche.

(4) Place grazed cheese over the top. Send it into a pre-heat oven at 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 around 20 ~ 25 minutes until it is set.


Another pumpkin feast! Or, I should say another Halloween feast?! Actually, pumpkin is full of nutrition so that eating lots of pumpkins!! Should We? Enjoy it!!

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