Friday 16 October 2015

Bacon Aglio Olio

The type of Aglio Olio in Italian restaurants in Taiwan is rarely. But, I ate once in the student’s cafeteria in my husband’s university. It is weird, isn’t it? Sold at student’s cafeteria?
Traditionally, Aglio Olio was offered to the poor who couldn’t afford to add other sauce. It is reasonable to be sold at university’s cafeteria, isn't it. But, who care? I just like food with garlic flavor. So, I like this kind of simple pasta, the strong garlic flavor mixing into my spaghetti.

Recipe: Serve 1 Person

Steps of Bacon Aglio Olio

(1) Prepare a fried-pan. Add olive oil in the pan. Switch the medium heat on. Add chili pepper and garlic in the pan. Fry chili pepper and garlic around 8 minutes.
(2) Prepare a saucepan. Boil spaghetti with a little salt and a little olive oil. It takes around 12~15 depend on manufacturers.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Avoid sticky pasta by adding olive oil to the pasta water.)

(3) Add bacon into the fried-pan. Fry bacon around 2~3 minutes.
(4) Then, add chopped mushroom into the fried pan. Fry until it turns soft.

(5) Dry spaghetti. Then add it into the fried-pan. Well-incorporate all ingredients.
(6) Add spinach in before the spaghetti is ready. Season pasta with some salt. Switch the heat off.

It is so YUM~~~ I felt like I want one more after eating the whole. Pasta can be so delicious without adding any extra pasta sauce. Just enjoy the pure flavor with chili pepper, garlic, and olive oil mixed with spaghetti. It is just so easy. The type of Aglio Olio will become the regular showing on my dining table. Enjoy it and don’t forget to prepare more. Because you definitely want more.

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