Monday 5 October 2015

Chinese Stew Pork Rib

I didn’t eat Chinese food for a while. Although I like to eat burgers, sausages, bacon, .etc, I still want to eat Chinese food sometime. I went to ASDA couple days ago and found out pork ribs. I though, it is great. I can do the stew pork. It is one of my favorite meals when I was in Taiwan. Though some people may think it is hard to do, it is not. It just takes time to cook it. If using slow cooker, it will be more convenient. I like to eat it with rice because the rice will be very delicious with gravvy. It always makes me eat more when having stew pork.

Recipe: Serve 2~3 people

(1) Prepare a saucepan. Heat the oil with the medium heat. Put chili pepper in. Stir for around 1 minute.
(2) Place pork ribs into the pan. Fry each side until it turns golden.

(3) Add soy sauce and water into the pan. Water needs to cover the ribs. Boil the sauce.
(4) Put star anise and sugar in. Then, Put everything in the slow cooker. Switch to high and cook for 90 minutes. Then, switch to low to cook for another hour.

My friend and I just finished our lunch with stew pork. I thought it was too many for 2 ladies, but we were too hungry that we ate out all. AND WANT MORE. Next time, I guess I need to more. Enjoy it.

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