Monday 26 October 2015

Lemon Curd Soufflé

What is your feeling about Soufflé? Very soft? Yes. And Just melt in your mouth? Yes. Of course. It is how people like it or love it! I knew what Soufflé is from the movie called, “Because I said so.” In this movie, Milly likes baking and she loves to bake Soufflé. Even more she thinks her Soufflé burnt represents a bad sign of her love. From that moment, I have no idea, but I feel like Soufflé is seen as the symbol of love. Am I silly? Haha… Maybe…

Oven Temperature Setting: 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4
Baking Time: Around 15 minutes
Recipe: 2 2.5 inch cups, around 5 cm height

Steps of Lemon Curd Soufflé

(1) Separate egg white and egg yolk into two different bowls. Whisk egg white until it is stiff.

(2) Place egg yolk and lemon zest and lemon juice into a bowl. Mix them well.
(3) Add 15 ml milk into the mixture. Well-mixed them.

(4) Add flour, cornstarch, and sugar into the mixture. Incorporate tem well.
(5) Fold 1/3 of egg white into the mixture. Then, fold in more egg white slow and lightly.

(6) Firstly, place 1 table spoon of lemon curd into each cup. Then, pour the mixture into the cup. Send it to the pre-heated oven at 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. Bake it around 15 minutes until the top of Soufflé turns golden.

This double lemon flavor Soufflé is soooooo YUM. The Soufflé is covered with lemon curd that the extreme sweet-sour flavor is your mouth. Oh…you will find out you want more. Be carefully, it is very HOT, but you cannot resist to have another bite. Enjoy it.

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