Sunday 4 October 2015

Chinese Mushroom Chicken Soup

After having good weather around two weeks, it looks like the weather will turns to cold and chill. It is definitely in autumn now. In Taiwan, we would like to drink soup to warm up our body in autumn and help us against the cold winter. The soup we drink in Taiwan is more like consommé in France. The basic ingredients for the soup is bone of pork, chicken or beef. Add a little salt. Cook in small heat for hours. So, I would like to share one of my favorite soups by slow cooker, Chinese Mushroom Chicken Soup.

Recipe: Serve 2~3 people

(1) Put Chinese mushroom in the bowl. Add the hot water in. Wait around 20~30 minutes.

(2) Wash the chickens. And put in the pan. Add water in. Water needs to be covered over the chicken
(3) Add the mushrooms in. Cover the lid. Switch to high and cook around 2 hours until the chicken becomes tender. Add salt in. Serve it in hot

Using slow cooker to cook soup is really convenient. Put everything in and switch on. Then, you can have a delicious soup after 2 hours. Hee… Feel cold?? Go and try it.

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