Thursday 22 October 2015

Vanilla Custard

Vanilla Custard is a very popular sauce in the UK. People can buy it either fresh one or tinned one at every shop. It is very suitable for lots of desserts, like Apple Crumble Cake, Blackberry cake. Or, my friend will chop some fruits into a bowl and pour custard sauce over it. Then, EAT it.

Those sold ones in shops are very sweet. So, why not just do it? It is very easy and takes less than 10 minutes.   

Steps of Vanilla Custard

(1) Whisk egg and milk in a cup first. And add vanilla extract into the batter.

(2) Pour it into a saucepan. Switch the small heat on.
(3) Add flour, corn scratch, and sugar into the pan gradually. Stir it well before adding more.

(4) Keep stirring until it turns thicker.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: When it starts to turn thicker, switch the heat off. Because it will thicken very quickly once it starts.)

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