Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Giant Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire pudding is my favorite British food. After staying with my friend, I think we eat some things with Yorkshire Pudding every week. Traditionally, it is eaten as a side dish with Sunday Roast Lunch. Later, people love it too much then it starts to find a different way to eat Yorkshire Pudding.

Another friend gives us some beef casserole so that we think we are going to do a giant Yorkshire Pudding with beef casserole. Enjoy it.

Oven Temperature Setting: 240C/475F/Gas Mark 9
Baking Time: 20~25 minutes
Recipe: Serve for 2 people

Steps of Giant Yorkshire Pudding

(1) Mix flour and salt in a bowl
(2) Make a hole in the middle. Add two eggs into the hole. Mix with flour

(3) Add milk into the batter gradually. Set aside at least 30 minutes before using it.

(4) Add oil into the baking dish. The oil needs to cover the whole bottom. Send tin into the pre-heat oven at 240C/475F/Gas Mark 9 around 5~10 minutes.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: We need to heat up the oil. But, not to boil the oil. So, my friend taught me when there is smoking from the oven. It means ready.)
(5) Take the dish out of oven. Pour the batter into the dish. Send back to the oven and cook for around 20~25 minutes until it is risen and turns golden at the edge and the middle.

Oh… Yorkshire Pudding is so yum… How can I didn’t have this kind of food in Taiwan. I like the crispy top and soft inside. Eat with beef casserole or with gravy is so good. My friend and I had some discussion relating to Yorkshire Pudding yesterday. Giant Yorkshire pudding can be baked by any baking dish. But, if I want to bake the normal size, I think I need to buy the baking tray here and ship them back to Taiwan. I’ll miss everything I cooked, I baked and sharing when I back to Taiwan.

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