Monday 19 October 2015


Believe it or not! There are still two months for X’mas, but some shops start to sell X’mas gifts now. And you can see various kinds of shortbread gift boxes sold. I don’t eat biscuits a lot, however, I like shortbread. I like the enriched butter flavor. Like the movie, July & Julia, Is there anything better than butter? I think the answer is very obvious, NO!

In order not to eat too much, I don’t bake a lot every time. Hee… I need to find another way to limit my sugar consumption. But, do I care about it?


Steps of Shortbread

(1) Place butter and sugar into a bowl. Whisk butter and sugar until it turns light and fluffy.

(2) Add vanilla extract and plain flour into the bowl. Mix well with the batter.

(3) Cover it and leave in the fridge for 30 minutes
(4) Roll it into a big flat, around 1 cm thick. Cut it by any kind of biscuit cutter.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: There is always left to be shaped that I just shape all of them into a flat again and cut as a finger-shape.)
(5) Place the cut dough on a baking tray. Send it into the pre-heat oven at 190C/375F/Gas 5. It takes around 15~20 minutes until it turns light golden brown.

Last time, I purchased lot of shortbread back when I went to Scotland. Now, I don’t need to buy it anymore. Because my homemade shortbread is so scrumptious :D Enjoy!!!

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