Sunday 27 September 2015

Traditional Baked Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is a very common and classic dessert in the UK. Lots of food manufacturers sell cooked rice pudding that you can open and eat it right away. I didn’t notice this kind of dessert after being here 6 months. I was so hungry one day because of 6 hours classes. No lunch break. My classmate passed me one rice pudding. I thought… It is something like yogurt… then… I was surprised how YUM it is. The texture is quite like Taiwanese rice pudding cooked by black rice so I like it a lot. I have cooked rice pudding by slow cooker. Traditionally, it is cooked by the oven. Of course, I would like to share it.


Oven Temperature Setting: 150C/300F/Gas Mark 2; Baking Time: Around 70 ~ 80 minutes
Recipe: A 9” round baking dish



(1) Wash and dry the rice. Place them in the baking tin.
(2) Prepare a saucepan, add 50 g sugar in.
(3) Add cream and milk into the saucepan. Use a medium heat to cook it

(4) Add butter into the saucepan. Stir it until it is melted in the milk. Cook all the creamy sauce until there are some tiny bubbles form around the edge of the saucepan. Then switch off the heat.
(5) Pour into the baking dish. Send it into the pre-heated oven at 150C/300F/Gas Mark 2. Bake around 70 ~ 80 minutes until rice turns soft and pudding is creamy. And there is a golden surface on top.

Rice pudding is very creamy consistency with a crust over the top. Everyone has their own way to eat rice pudding. Some like to eat in HOT, some like to eat in Cold. Some like eat with jam, some like to eat with ice cream. For me, I like to add some oats and fruits over the top and eat it. So, enjoy it.

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