Wednesday 16 September 2015

Chocolate Brownie

As a chocolate obsession, I’ll say chocolate makes my life BETTER. When I feel sad, I eat it. When I feel happy, I still eat it. What is the most favorite chocolate cake for all chocolate obsessions? Is it chocolate brownie? I don’t know.  But, when talking about baking chocolate cake, chocolate brownie will the first thing popping up to my mind.

Some people said brownie is developed by mistakes that a baker forgot to put baking powder. But, it was actually created for ladies, who can simply put cake-like characteristic in their boxed lunches and easily eat them, went to World’s Columbian Exposition in 1983. Later, the chocolate brownie has lots of relatives, like Blonde Brownies, White Chocolate Brownies… Anyway, I would like to share a simple and easy to bake brownie recipe this time. When I have no time to study new recipe or I am busy at doing my work, I still want to bake something. This is what I am going to bake.


Oven Temperature Setting: 180C/356F for 10 minutes. Lower to 170C/338F for another 20~25 minutes.

Recipe: A 13cm X 21cm baking tin

Steps of Chocolate Brownie

(1) Weight all ingredients
(2) Place eggs, milk, and vanilla extract in a bowl. Whisk them.
(3) Add butter into the bowl. Incorporate the well.

(4) Add melted dark chocolate into the bowl. Mix them well.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk:
*When melting chocolate, don’t let the bottom of the bowl (with chocolate) touching the boiling water. It will change chocolate’s physical characteristics.
**Also, it needs to cool down for a while before adding into the batter. Otherwise, the batter will be cooked before we send it into the oven.)
(5) Add the rest ingredients into the chocolate batter. Incorporate all ingredients well.
(6) Pour chocolate batter into the baking tin. Send it into the pre-heat oven at 180C/356F for the first 10 minutes. Then, lower the temperature to 170C/338F for another 20~25 minutes.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Insert the cake tester into the middle of the cake. If there is no batter left on it, it means it is ready.)

When it is well-cooked, I’ll leave it into the oven with an open door around 10 minutes. (Of course, the oven is switched off!) It can prevent the sink because the temperature difference.

The best chocolate will be served when leaving in the fridge overnight. The chocolate will be totally incorporated into the whole texture. Cut into squares or bar. Either eat directly or with ice cream. Um… YUM…

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