Saturday 5 September 2015

Scotch Egg

I have seen Scotch egg sold at shops around a year, but I never purchase it. Maybe, I don’t like to eat ready-to-cook meal. Or, I am not sure what this is so… I don’t want to try. Starting to write this Blog, I should try the new thing. I need to share different foods coming from different countries. This is my aim of this Blog.

I though Scotch egg originated from Scotland. But, searching on the Wiki, it was not. It originated in England. Some people even said it came from North Africa. What is the real story? Nobody knows. Anyway, my friend came and visit, she likes to eat egg a lot. When I was her flat-mate, I could see her to cook egg frequently. Why not did this for her?


Recipe: Serve 3



(1) Place 3 eggs with their shells in the boiling water. The boiling water should reach to half the height of the eggs. Add 1/2 tea spoon salt into the pan. Cover the lid. Cook for 6 minutes.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: I like to eat runny yolk. This “steam way” and “6 minutes” are perfect for the runny yolk. If you do not like it, the amount of water should cover over the egg. And cook it around 10~12 minutes.)
(2) Then, cool the egg under the running water. Then, peel it. Drizzle the rest of 1/2 tea spoon salt on the eggs.

(3) Chop the onion into small pieces, around 0.5 cm by 0.5 cm. Peel off the skin of the sausage.
(4) Mix onion, sausages and 1/2 tea spoon salt well. Divide the sausage mixture into 3. Place each on the cling film. Flatten it into a thin surface. Cover the egg with sausage mixture completely.

(5) Place plain flour, whipped egg, and breadcrumbs into different dishes. Roll to coat plain flour firstly. Then roll to coat whipped egg. And then, roll to coat breadcrumbs. Make sure each coating needs to cover the whole sausage mixture complete.

(6) Heat up the oil in the fried pan. When the oil is heated, switching to the small heat. Then, place CAREFULLY each Scotch egg into the hot oil. It needs to fry around 8-10 minutes until the coated crumbs become golden and crisp. And the sausage meat is well-cooked.
(7) Place the cooked Scotch egg on the sieve


I was surprised about this Scotch egg. It is very delicious. There are very different taste for both the sausage and the egg than we usually have. A crispy and golden sausage wraps soft egg. Having every bite, you can taste the meat juices in your mouth. Serve with potato and vegetable. It is a very good choice for the lunch in the weekend. Enjoy it.

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