Thursday 24 September 2015


I did a baguette once when my friend and I to have a picnic in the summer. The taste was good, but it looked like a fat baguette. Yes, I didn’t use couche (a flour-impregnated towel) to shape my baguette when it doubled the size. Okay… I am not a professional baker that I didn’t have so many tools for my baking. But, I keep thinking how to use the existing tool to bake a good shape of baguette. Then…Hee…Follow me… Then… You will find out my brilliant idea.

Oven Temperature Setting: 220C/428F/Gas Mark 8. Baking time: 20~25 minutes
Recipe: 1 Baguette (around 40 cm length)

Steps of Baguette

(1) Weight all ingredients
(2) Place flour and salt into a bowl. Mix it well.
(3) Place instant yeast into the flour, and then mix it into the flour

(4) Pour 150 ml water into the bowl. Mix everything to come together.
(5) Move the dough into a table with a little flour. Knead olive oil into the dough.
(6) During the kneading, knead the rest of water into the dough gradually.
(7) Shape it into a ball and put it back to the bowl. Place it in a warm place to double size. It takes around 1~2 hours

(8) When the dough doubles the size, squeezing the air out. Roll it into a long stick, around 35~40cm
(9) Put it on the parchment paper. Then, use two clips to hold it to shape the dough growing up. Leave in a warm place for another 40 to 60 minutes

(10) Just before sending it into the pre-heated oven. Dust flour over the top. Then, slash over the top. And then, send it to the oven and bake around 20~25 minutes until the surface turns golden and crispy
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Put a baking dish into the oven when pre-heating the oven. And then, boil the water. Before send the baguette into the oven, pour the water into the hot baking dish. There will be lots of steam. It can help the surface of baguette turns crispy.)

The shape of baguette is better than last time. The taste is still very good. But, I need to practice how to slash again and again. Hee… And probably, it should be rolled longer next time. If I do again, I’ll share my practice. Enjoy it.

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