Wednesday 30 September 2015

Cottage Pie with Parsnips

Cottage pie is a very traditional meal that there are always fresh or frozen one sold in shops. I have eaten cottage pie on some parties. The taste varied a little. But, the essential of cottage pie is beef mince fried with some vegetable covered with mashed potato. Then, bake it. There are some beef mince, vegetable, and potato. Then, that it. My lunch is cottage pie. But, my potato is very small it will not be thick enough. I still have some parsnips so that I decide to use mashed potato and parsnips. It is cooking that there is no rules for here :D

Baking Temperature Setting: 220C/450F/Gas Mark 8
Baking Time: 20~30 minutes
Recipe: Serve 2~3 people

Steps of Cottage Pie

(1) Chop all potato and parsnips into small pieces. Prepare a saucepan. Place all potato and parsnips into the pan. Add 1 tea spoon of salt. Keep boiling them until it turns tender. It takes around 10~15 minutes
(2) When potato and parsnips are ready to be mashed, dry the potato and parsnips. Place them in a dish. Before mashing potato and parsnips, add butter, milk, and another 1 tea spoon of salt in. Mix them. Then, mash potato and parsnips. Set Aside.

(3) Prepare a fried pan, place onion into the pan. Stir a little
(4) Add chopped mushrooms into the pan. Stir a while. Cover the lid. Use medium heat to cook around 3 minutes

 (5) Then, add beef mince into the pan. Fried the mince until it turns golden. Then, add 1 tea spoon and 2.5~3 table spoon of soy sauce into the mince. Mix all of them. Simmer it until the gravy turns thick. Set aside

(6) Place the mince into an ovenproof dish (around 7 inch).
(7) Spoon the mashed potato and parsnips over the top of mince.

(8) Use a fork to decorate mashed potato and parsnips with lines. Send it into the pre-heat oven at 220C/450F/Gas Mark 8 until the topping is golden.

I like to eat cottage pie a lot. Because there is everything in one dish. Last year, I always prepared a lot for my exam season. If you don’t have lots of time to cook every day, try cook more and freeze it. When you want to eat it, just send it to the oven. Less than 40 minutes, you will have a tasty cottage pie. Enjoy it.

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