Wednesday 18 November 2015

Toad in the Hole

Again, Yorkshire pudding is my favorite British food. We used some casserole for the giant Yorkshire Pudding last time. This time, I would like to show you what we eat normally, Toad in the Hole.

Traditionally, it is eaten as a side dish with Sunday Roast Lunch. But, people love to eat Yorkshire pudding a lot so that they find out some new way to eat it. They add sausage into it. Why it is called toad in the hole? Someone says because of its look?! Someone says because it is pub food for a pub game. I’m not sure which one is really. The only thing I know is that it is YUM YUM...

Oven Temperature Setting: 220C/450F/Gas Mark 8
Baking Time: 40~45 minutes
Recipe: Serve for 2 people


Steps of Toad in the Hole
(1) Put sausage on the baking tray. Bake it for 20 minutes until it turns golden.

Well-use the time of baking sausage, we are going to prepare the Yorkshire pudding
(2) Mix flour and salt in a bowl
(3) Make a hole in the middle. Add two eggs into the bowl. Mix with flour

(4) Add milk and water into the batter gradually. Set aside.
(5) Take the sausage baking tray out of the oven. Pour the batter into the dish. Send back to the oven and cook for around 20~25 minutes until it is grown and turns golden at the edge and the middle.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Stir the batter again before pouring into the dish.)


Eating Toad in the hole with gravy is the most delicious food. We enjoy it a lot. The batter of Yorkshire pudding absorbs the oil of sausage. The flavor is too good. It is a torture for my friend’s doggie. His nose keeps moving and smelling. Sorry… Archie (Doggie’s name) I know it is yum and yum. But, you cannot have it. 

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