Thursday 12 November 2015

Rosemary Carrot Toast

Recently, I like to do some different things on my baking or cooking. Mix some weird ingredients in the bread or doing some different combination! And see how it taste is? Is it weird? For example, there were two carrots in the fridge so that I think… yesyes… there is a carrot cake! Then, why not have a Carrot bread? Then, I grabbed some fresh rosemary leaves. I was wondering do these two ingredients match? I was not sure? Any, this is my try and run

Oven Temperature Setting: 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6
Baking Time: 15~20 minutes

Steps of Rosemary Carrot Toast
(1) finely chopped rosemary and graze carrot. Set aside.

(2) Add flour, salt and sugar into a big bowl. Mix a little.
(3) Add 100 ml milk with instant yeast, chopped rosemary, grazed carrot and egg into the bowl. Mix all ingredients well.
(*Selena’s Kitchen Talk: I leave ONE table spoon of egg for brushing.
**Selena’s Kitchen Talk: My instant yeast’s instruction is to add yeast in the water around 5 minutes. Check the instruction before using it.)

(4) Then, move the dough into a floured table. Knead olive oil into the dough.
(5) And then, keep kneading it until the dough becomes soft and elastic. Then, knead the dough into a ball. Put back to the bowl. Leave at warm place to double the size. It takes around 90~120 minutes.

(6) When the dough doubles the size, squeeze the air out. Equally shape the dough into two balls. Place two balls in the toast tin. Leave at warm place to double size again. It takes around 45~60 minutes.

(7) When the dough is ready, brush some egg or water over the top. Send it to the pre-heat oven at 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 and bake around 15~20 minutes until the top turns golden and crispy.


Same like carrot cake, this toast with carrot in is replaced as the sugar. So, the bread is full of rosemary flavor. No carrot flavor. Actually, I quite like this flavor. I think it will encourage me to try lots of crazy ideas in the baking and cooking… Hee… So… Enjoy it..

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