Tuesday 10 November 2015

Cheese Brownies

I have baked this cake for lots of times. At beginning, I thought that cheese cake is my favorite. But, it is really boring to bake cheese cake every time. All my friends know how much I love chocolate. So, I thought why not mix cheese cake and brownie together?? Yes, why not? I still remember how amazing this cake is when I ate it first time. Then, I talked to my friends that I found out lots of baker lover have same feelings. Hee… I think it is what we do. Baking lovers have same IDEA!!

Oven Temperature Setting:
180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for first 10 minutes
Then, lower to 160C/325F/Gas Mark 3 after having cheese batter
Baking Time: Around 60 minutes
Recipe: A 7" Cheese Brownies

Steps of Cheese Brownies
(1) Melted dark chocolate and butter. When melting chocolate, don’t let the bottom of the bowl (with chocolate) touching the boiling water. It will change chocolate’s physical characteristics.
Also, it needs to cool down for a while before adding into the batter. Otherwise, the batter will be cooked before we send it into the oven.
(2) Place eggs, milk, and vanilla extract in a bowl. Whisk them.
(3) Add sugar, flour, and baking powder into the bowl. Incorporate the well.

(4) Add melted chocolate into the bowl. Incorporate all ingredients well.
(5) Pour brownies batter into the baking tin. Send it into the pre-heat oven at 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for the first 10 minutes.

(6) Prepare Cheese filling: add cream cheese, egg, vanilla extract in a big bowl. Mix all ingredients well. Then, add sugar into the cheese batter. Mix them
(7) Take brownies out of the oven. Reserve ONE Table Spoon cheese batter for swirling, and then pour the batter over the top of brownies.

(8) Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Drawing some pattern over the top is not a necessary step that skipping this one if you don’t want to do this.
Reserve one table spoon cheese batter. Add 2 Table Spoon of chocolate powder into the batter. Mix them well. Swirl it over the top of cheese batter. Then, draw the line in vertical direction.

(9) Switch the temperature down to 160C/325F/Gas Mark 3. Bake around 45~50 minutes until it sets.

Cheese Brownies is very delicious that it is more like brownies flavor with some soft cheese on the top. If you like cheese cake and chocolate brownies, don’t forget to try this one. You will LOVE it. Enjoy it.

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