Wednesday 2 December 2015

Beef Mince with Sweet Potato

It is so weird today that it is so HOT. I check the temperature that it goes to around 13 degree C in the morning. Doing some house works this morning lets me sweat immediately. I really think I am living in a very warm house.

Last night, we went to choir practice for the carol services. It was very funny. Our director couldn’t remember what he has told to us. When we sang what he told us, he looked at us confusedly. Then, we needed to remind him what was happened. I hope everything will be fine soon because I am so nervous about this. It is only 2 weeks left.

Recipe: Serve around 2~3 people


Steps of Beef Mince with Sweet Potato

(1) Prepare a saucepan. Boil the chopped sweet potato for 10 minutes. Then, dry it and set aside.

(2) Get another sauce pan. Add some oil, and then fry half of sliced onion for 3 minutes.
(3) Add beef mince into the pan. Fry the beef mince until it turns golden.
(4) Add beef stock, water, salt, and dry basil into the pan. Mix all of them well. Simmer beef mince for 10 minutes. Then, leave in a bowl and set aside.

(5) Use the same pan to fry another half of onion and sweet potato for around 3 minutes. Add some oil if needed.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: If you like crispier on your sweet potato, you can cook longer.)
(6) Add beef mince back to the pan. Mix it with sweet potato. Add some salt if needed.
I did this meal because I got some beef mince and sweet potato left. I just tried to cook them together. But, I was so surprised that it is very delicious. Serve this with some vegetable than you get all nutrition you need. Enjoy it.

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