Wednesday 19 August 2015

Apple Crumble Cake

Apple crumble cake is a very common cake in the UK. Almost everyone knows how to do this kind of cake. And even, you can buy it at every shop, even at shops. Moreover, my friend told to me that she will eat it when she feels happy. Or, she will have it when she feel sad. It is like “a good food friend” companying whenever you need it. When I said to my friend I would like to bake some traditional British cake, she said I had to learn Apple Crumble Cake.


For me, I like to eat juicy fruits so that Apple, of course, is not the one I like it. But, the amazing thing is that Apple is a very good fruit when baking a cake. When I purchase some apple every time, my friends will know I am going to do some apple cake.

This recipe is for one 8” and one 6” round tin

Selena’s Kitchen Talks: I will prepare Apple Filling, Crumble Toppings, and then cake. It is because apple filling takes time to be cooled.

Oven Setting and Time: 165 degree C, around 30~35 minutes

 Step for Apple Fillings

(1) Chop Apple into an appropriate size. Like 1.5 cm x 1cm
Selena’s Kitchen Talks: It is all dependent on personal preference. Of course, it cannot too big to put a whole apple.
(2) Weight sugar and lemon juice. And then, put chopped apple and other ingredients into a pan.
(3) Simmer it until tender and slightly transparent. It may need to stir to make sure every piece of apple is cooked
Selena’s Kitchen Talks: Again. It is all dependent on personal preference and what kinds of apple used. Cooking apple takes around 5 minutes. Others will take around 10 minutes.

Step for Crumble Topping

(1) Weight all ingredients. Pour sugar and flour into a bowl and put butter on the top
(2) Rub butter into flour. Do not overwork that it will become heavy. It should be light. Then, put it into fridge when assembling it.
Step for Cake

(1) Put all wet ingredients (egg and milk) into a big bowls. And mix it well. (around 1 minute)
(2) Add butter into the batter and mix again. It takes around 1 ~ 2 minutes.

(3) Pour flour, sugar, and baking powder into batter several time and well-mixed it.
(4) Before pouring out to the baking tin, use a spatula spoon to make sure every ingredient is well-mixed.


Assemble the cake

(1) Pour batter into tin with either baking paper or greased on the surface
(2) Pour cooked apple on the top cake batter
(3) Sprinkle crumbles on the top and cover the apple

(4) Send it into oven and wait around 30~35 minutes. Insert a cake tester into the cake. If there is no batter left, it means cake is ready.
Selena's Kitcen Talk: I always switch the oven off, open the oven's door and leave their for 10 minutes. This cooling process can prevent the cake from sinking. Then, move it out of tin.

Some people like to eat it in Hot with some custard source. Or, it is blackberry season. Why not add some blackberry source on the top. Moreover, add one spoon of ice cream on the top of it and drink with a cup of tea or coffee. Enjoy it.

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