Saturday 29 August 2015

Magic Chocolate Cake

My lovely flat-mate and friend is totally chocolate obsession. ME, TOO. In order to celebrate we finished one-year studying in the UK. We would like to bake a chocolate cake. Brownie? No. We baked it too many times. After doing some studyings, I find out “Magic Chocolate Cake.” Why is it called “magic”? This kind of cake doesn’t need to do topping, filling, or base separately, and then it has three layers. Having three layers means you can have three different tastes in ONE bite. But, it is needed to mix the batter with a specific order. Like Mary Berry said, Read the recipe carefully, at least twice. Then, we can enjoy it.

Oven Temperature Setting: 160/325, Baking Time: Around 40~50 minutes
Recipe: Serve for a 8” baking tin
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Actually, I don’t find out the difference taste when using salted or unsalted butter. If you have some worries, you can use unsalted butter.)

(1) Weight all the ingredients
(2) Separate the eggs. Put the egg white and the egg yolks into the different bowls.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: The bowl for the egg white needs to be CLEAN and DRY.)
(3) Add Sugar into the egg yolks. Whisk it until it is well-mixed.

(4) Add melted butter and vanilla extract into the batter. And mix it well.
(5) Add flour into the batter and mix it
(6) Add warmed milk and melted chocolate into the batter gradually. And continue to beat it.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: I melted chocolate in the measure jar. When it is almost melted, I pour the milk in. So, I don’t need to warm up again.)

(7) Beat the egg white until it is stiff.
(8) Fold the egg white into the chocolate batter, 1/3 per time. Repeat it until we use all the egg white. Make sure egg white is well-mixed into the chocolate batter.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Because of the different density of egg white and chocolate batter, folding 1/3 per time can make it easier to fold.)
(9) Pour the batter into a 8” tin with baking paper. Send it into the pre-heated oven at 160/325. Bake it around 40~50 minutes.
(Selena’s Kitchen Talk: Insert the cake tester into the middle of the cake. If there is no batter left on it, it means it is ready.)

When it is well-cooked, I’ll leave it into the oven with an open door around 10 minutes. (Of course, the oven is switched off!) It can prevent the sink because the temperature difference.

During the baking, the smell of chocolate is too good. I know…I know I can’t wait to eat it. You can eat it in hot or cold. You will have different kinds of feelings. For chocolate cake, I like to eat it with coffee. So, try it and enjoy it. You will LOVE it.

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